Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday, August 31st

Around 9 PM I went out to the neighbor's seawall to check out the moon and Jupiter. The moon was half full, with Jupiter a few degrees north of it. The moon was so bright that Jupiter was hard to see, but it seemed to scintillate between orange and white. A large cloud moved into my line of sight after ten minutes or so, which got me super-pissed. I spent the remaining ten minutes of my observation attempting to form a Kamehame-Ha to blow up the moon and clear the surrounding clouds. Minimal success was achieved.


Blogger NEX said...

scintillate, eh? It's a good word. It should go on my WORD! shoes.
I'll explain later.
Damn, too bad- it would have been kind of like, BA. But it's ok, just try a beam of evil next time. ~_^

6:07 AM  

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