Friday, November 17, 2006


This is a picture of Mercury's transit across the sun. Not much to say here. The next one will occur in 2016. The picture was taken with a neutral filter lens, which filters all light wavelengths equally.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Ice crystals in the thin, high atmosphere above the Whipple Observatory on Mt. Hopkins, Arizona create this 22 degree radius halo effect on the moon. The ice crystals are hexagonal in shape, much like the mirrors on the telescope blocking the moon. The telescope is a gamma ray telescope.

Friday, November 03, 2006


This is a 360-degree picture of Mars from the Spirit rover. Scientists originally predicted that the rover would only run for 90 days before dust covered the solar panels, but due to dust devils and strong winds on Mars, the solar panels are periodically cleaned. This picture was taken on the rover's 1000th Martian-day in operation. Due to the rover's unexpected lifespan extension, the rover must take refuge against the cold and dim Martian winter season. Scientists placed the rover on Low Ridge hill, where the solar panels are at an optimized angle for collecting sunlight. While waiting out the winter, the rover was able to take this panorama picture, with the colors altered to show detail.